Phonemic Analysis

Hey guys! Here's a review of what we did with your vocabulary words.  DON'T FORGET: Phonological awareness is the detection and manipulation of sounds a different levels of structure, including syllables, onsets and rhymes, and phonemes and is an important part of speaking and listening. Phonemic awareness is a smaller unit of phonological awareness, in which the focus is specifically on recognizing and manipulating the smallest unit of sound. In terms of listening, phonological awareness affects a student in five ways: alertness, discrimination, memory, sequencing, and perception.

Objective: The students will be able to use their awareness of what happened during the holocaust to create text-to-self connections and a better understanding of the time period.

Introduction: What do you know about the Holocaust? Have you had any family members or knew anyone that had family members you know where affected by the Holocaust. If you do, explain what you know about that person and what happened to them. This will allow for the you to begin to interact and get more personal with the topic.

Model: Students will create a KWL chart on the Holocaust. They will fill out what they know and want to know before the digital story. The class will have a mini-discussion on what they answered and then watch the story. While watching the short video, the students will be encouraged to be taking notes on what they are learning. After the video the students will be made aware of the vocabulary words that are focused on and their morphemic analysis.

Guided Practice: The students will be separated into four groups of five and sit together. The groups will be asked to imagine what their life would have been like if they lived during the Holocaust. What emotions would they feel? How would they deal with the stress and trauma? Would they write a diary like Anne Frank to document their life? Using the vocabulary, the students will determine if other scenarios have occurred in their life using a wider definition of the words prejudice and collaboration.

Independent Practice: Students will create a Concept of Definitions Map. They will choose three of the six words and define, compare, create a sentence, and give examples of each word. In order for their understanding to grow, they will then draw a picture to explain one of the words to by using their imagined perception of the word.